Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hard on the heels of the introduction by T-Mobile of the first Google Android phone, which comes equipped with a separate physical context-sensitive "search" button, Call Genie announced that it will power an innovative new self-service advertiser initiative from 118//Media, a subsidiary of The Number UK Ltd., which is in turn a subsidiary of the kgb. Beginning on November 17th, UK advertisers will be able to log onto a dedicated 118//Media site powered by Call Genie to bid for placement of their ads on SMS text messages that follow mobile calls to 118 118. The system will let advertisers choose the specific inquiry categories and localities to which their ad message will be attached. 118//Media will use key components of Call Genie's CG Product Suite to allow 118//Media's advertisers to create their individual accounts, manage the creation and provisioning of SMS ad campaigns, and provide integrated support for secure payment infrastructures.

118//Media was launched at the beginning of 2007 and reported 7,000 advertiser accounts year's end from a staff of over 100. This self-service approach will dramatically reduce the cost of customer acquisition and customer service. “By partnering with Call Genie to produce this new ad solution, we fully expect to disrupt the mobile advertising landscape by offering advertisers the chance to take control of the whole process—the level of their ad spend, the frequency of their messaging, the category and locality of consumers that they want to reach, and the accuracy and accessibility of reporting” said 118//Media CEO Matt Leonard. -Stuart Whitaker

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